Working principles: The surface jet aerator is horizontal aerator is used in pretreatment for mixing, secondary and tertiary treatment for oxygen transfer and aquaculture aeration. During the propeller rotates to create the negative pressure, the air is drawn into the shaft and dispersed it into the water in a horizontal direction. The air past the propeller and mix with the fluid will establish micro and high velocity bubbles into the water. The surface jet aerator installations can completely or partially mix very large volumes of water at lowest installed power, and provide excellent turndown capabilities the surface jet aerator ranges from to 50 hp and can be mounted on floats, fixed to a bridge or wall etc. It can also be easily installed in fluctuating water level situations advantages for various Applications: 1. Oxidation ditch: The ra surface jet aerator is most suitable for oxidation ditch special design and shape due to the powerful horizontal mixing capacity. 2. Aerated lagoons: The ra surface jet aerator provides horizontal flow and strong mixing is that often to use on various depth aerated lagoons. 3. Traditional aeration tank: The ra surface jet aerator often be utilized in traditional tank for activated sludge or digester. The unit can provide the complete mix and eliminate the blind point. 4. River and canal restorations: The ra surface jet aerator can improve the water quality in lake, canal and reservoir. The ra surface jet aerator can easy and flexible install on floating, bridge and wall. 5. Aquaculture: The ra surface jet aerator provide the minimal maintenance and superior performance ( oxygen supply and mixing) for fish and shrimp farm.