An exclusive and large assortment of designer leather tote bags in 100% genuine leather with very good quality. The bags are classic, luxurious, and highly functional as it has a multitude of highly useful pockets inside and out! . These leather bags are done in different designs, shapes and sizes. Manufactured using high quality leather, these bags are available in customized solutions. These leather bags are made in many many vibrants colours and designs. These leather products we make in different leather like soft lamb skins, cow calf leather, buff calf and in goat leather in different colors and various finishes. These bags are made in leather of thickness 0.6mm to 2.2mm inorder to increase the strength of the bag. The bags are made in high quality so that they look elegant and stunning to carry. These bags have enough space to carry laptop or files inside them. In this we have complete inhouse manufacturing of leather bags and can customize the logo on the bags as well. Other Details: Sizes: As per customer specification Design: As per customer specification Color: As per customer specification Specification Pay Mode Terms: L/C (Letter of Credit), T/T (Bank Transfer), Western Union F. O. B. Price Order: 15 USD onwards. Minimum Order Quantity: 5 Piece/Pieces Port of Dispatch: Delhi Production Capacity: 10000 Delivery Time: 45 days Packaging Details: as per customer specification.