Our company’s Chinese wolfberry is from ZhongNing county of NingXia which is the first wolfberry in the world, it is the original ecology and top grade wolfberry in the world, it is also the first of Ningxia five treasures . Depending on the size, it can be divided into Premium grade, premium, Class A and class B this 4 levels. Described in the "Compendium of Materia Medica", the "collect the spring leaves , named leaves of lycium chinense ; collect summer flowers, named longevity grass; collect autumn seeds, named wolfberry; collect winter roots, named cortex lycii radicis." It is commonly used in Chinese medicine to treat liver and kidney deficiency, weak knees, dizziness, forgetfulness,diabetes, nocturnal emission and other diseases. It also has anti-oxidation, anti-aging, enriching the blood and benefiting vital energy, beauty, reduce blood pressure, blood fat and blood glucose, enriching yin and nourishing kidney, nourishing the Liver to improve visual acuity, improve minicirculation,enhance immunity, anti-fatigue, anti-cancer, radiation protection, rheumatism, weight loss and other effects. Therefore, wolfberry is the first choice of health product, it is also the most reliable products.