Engine : Cummins - Mitsubishi - Perkins Alternator : Stamford - MeccAlte - Mitsubishi Control System : P 732 control system Water cooled diesel engine Radiator with mechanical fan Protective grille for rotating and hot parts Electric starter and charge alternator Starting battery (with lead acid) including rack and cables Engine coolant heater Steel base frame and anti-vibration isolators Spare external fuel tank (open set) Flexible fuel connection hoses Single bearing, class H alternator Industrial exhaust silencer and steel bellows supplied separately Static battery charger Manual for application and installation Generators Sets’ voltage and frequency regulation comply with ISO 8528-5 Generators Sets’ can take 100% load at one step according to NFPA110 ISO8528 This generator set has been designed to meet ISO 8528 regulation. SZUTEST This generator set is manufactured in facilities certified to ISO 9001. This generator set is available with CE certification. 2000/14/EC Enclosed product is tested according to EU noise legislation 2000/14/EC Please Ask For Price