TP 310, Stainless steel 310 is a combination, of good strength and corrosion, resistance in temperatures up to, 1149°C (2100°F). The high, chromium and nickel contents, give the steel excellent oxidation, resistance. 310 is also very ductile,, and has good weldability, enabling its widespread usage in, many applications. Stainless steel, 310S contains less carbon than, 310 to minimize carbide, precipitation. Type 310S may be, used in atmospheres containing, moderate amounts of sulfur, because of high chromium and, medium nickel contents. It is not, usually recommended for liquid, quenching., Main Application: paper, production plant, heat recuperator, tubing, combustion chambers,, molten salt applications, thermo, wells, equipment to handle, sulfite liquors and gas turbines,, furnace parts, oil burner parts,, welding filler wire and electrodes.