'Bioclean Pond Clarifier' is a customized natural microbial / enzymic product with specific strains for pond bio remediation and maintain supreme pond / lake biota. 'Bioclean Pond Clarifier' is the unique biological formulation that is chosen for 100% green technology to degrade the toxic organic components and improve water quality. Property :Unique biological formulation for best bio-remediation treatment Application: Suited for all natural and artificial ponds and lakes Safety :100 % safe to handle. Material Safety Data Sheet would be provided for the product upon order confirmation Storage:No special storage required. Shelf-life:2 years from the date of packaging Benefits : Effectively digests the organic sludge and improves water clarity to more than 50 – 80 % Completely control algal blooming Reduces the nitrogen and phosporous level in the water Controls the odour generation from pond water Helps to prevent muck build up Helps to reduce the Total suspended Solids (TSS) in the pond Maintains optimum dissolved oxygen level, for easy aquatics breathe Keeps pond / lake water free from floating clumps Helps to maintain the healthy favorable ecosystem for the aquatics Safe for fish and aquatic plants