'Magic-gro Plus' is a consortium of biological agents which are naturally derived and safe. 'Magic-gro Plus' uses technology of ‘biosensors and bioactivators. This technology helps in efficient uptake and transport of micro nutrients such as minerals, enzymes, amino acids, growth hormones etc from the local environment into plant system. Advantages: Promotes effective conversion and absorption of soil elements such as phosphorus, into plant available forms Increases seed germination and viability Stimulates root growth, root respiration thus increases root density Revitalizes soil Increases plant resistance to diseases Faster flowering and fruiting resulting into high yield Increases photosynthetic activity Protects plant against environmental stress Shelf life – 2 years from the date of manufacturing Application procedure: Foliar spray application and Root application can be done with Magic-gro Plus. It is compatible with drip irrigation systems The product is most effective when applied before 10.00 am and after 4.00 pm. Avoid pesticide or insecticide application before and after 48 hours of Magic-gro application. Dosage: Apply 500 gm per acre per application Take 2 to 5 gm of Magic-Gro Plus per liter of water.