Solar Light Manufacturers, Solar Lantern Manufacturers, Solar Lights China Solar photovoltaic lighting and mains complementary approach is a good way to solve ordinary solar photovoltaic lighting systems in urban areas there are mains application problems, especially in the original have been laying the city road lighting cables if you want to install solar lights, no not for a year and several consecutive rainy days are rare conditions and multiplied the capacity of batteries and solar cells, most of the time in a year it is a waste. In such cases, only we need to consider the longest hours of sunshine a year, and at night the lighting electricity demand required the shortest period of time on it, other energy, can supplement the mains. Thus, the solar cell efficiency to get the maximum use and minimum system cost battery capacity can be used a minimum, and solar street lighting system can achieve the highest reliability. Therefore, the city had already laid on the road lighting cables if you want to install solar lights, solar photovoltaic lighting and mains complementary approach is a good way to local conditions. Meanwhile, according to starting July 1, 2007 implementation of the "city road lighting design standards" CJJ45-2006 in Section 6.1.2 Enforce requirements article, the central square of the city must achieve dual power supply, solar photovoltaic power and mains complementary lighting can not say it is not a good way, in the city, some local dual power supply cost is very high solar photovoltaic power and mains complementary street lighting will significantly reduce the cost of dual power. See our website