Treats the underlying causes of acne. Ensures blood detoxification and purification. Restores the normal functioning of sebaceous glands. Reduces pigmentation. Restores normal & clear skin. No. Ingredients Botanical Name Qty. 1 Katuki Picrorhiza kurroa 30 mg 2 Guduchi Tinospora cordifolia 50 mg 3 Arjuna Terminalia arjuna 30 mg 4 Anant Mool Hemidesmus indicus 70 mg 5 Lodhara Symplocos racemosa 30 mg 6 Manjistha Rubia cordifolia 70 mg 7 Vidang Embelia ribes 30 mg 8 Indrayav Holarrhena antidysenterica 20 mg 9 Triphala Finish Product 70 mg 10 Haridra Curcuma longa 10 mg 11 Neem Azadirachta indica 20 mg 12 Noni Morinda citrifolia 10 mg 13 Excipients – Q.S. DOSE: 1-2 teaspoon twice daily or as directed by the physician Indication: acne vulgaries. Packing: 30 capsules.