Totally New!! Infrared and Vacuum combined in ONE UNIT! The device can be equipped with a treadmill or an elliptical stepper. From know clients has a possibility to choose a type of exercises. Exercises option: in vacuum or in IR waves! The only such devices on world market. 2in1 - vacuum and IR waves! If your client doesn't have a lot of places you can offer him two devices in one! *Vacu Fit Elegance Pro Dual* - *NEW 2in1!* - Modern treadmill brand of VISION with motor "Cambridge Motor Works", - PWM motor control system, - Orthopedic, double-layer tape treadmill Siegling COOL-weave, - 8 variables elastomers, - High-quality PC with 15''LCD touch screen, - 6 treadmill programs, - Ergonomic handles with built-in touch pulsometer tools to monitor the heartbeat during exercise, - Color therapy: red, green, blue, - Air recirculation system, - Magnetic safety switch, - Holders for beverages, - Commercial use.