Barley is a grain food which more superior to other food grains. It contains many substances that are essential for good health, like carbohydrates, fiber, antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals. It is cholesterol and fat free and hence can be recommended for cardiac and diabetic patients. It contains both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. Dieteticians recommend that we should eat about 20 to 35grams of fiber every day. Half cup of barley flour contains 7grams of fiber. Soluble fiber found in barley is helpful in stabilizing blood glucose levels. Insoluble fiber helps in maintaining normal intestinal functions and thus helps in preventing colon cancer. It contains antioxidants, which helps in reducing the oxidative damages. Phytochemicals found in barley helps in reducing cardiovascular diseases. It also contains many vitamins and minerals etc 100.gram Sterilized Pet Jar, 70 Jar's one case