Application field: Ptc thermistors are used to monitor temperature in machines and installations. The design ensures short response times and easy installation. The product sells point Ptc thermistors acc. To din 44081(triple sensors acc. To din 44082) are used to protect electrical machines against thermal overload. Thermistors have an even steeper r/t characteristic as that defined in the din standard. The temperature range is from 60 to 180. Ptc thermistors beads with different rated response temperatures can be connected in series. This permits an optimal and economic thermal protection of machines and windings with different limit tempratures. Key specifications/special features Single triple Max.Operating voltage 30 30 v Rated response temperature tk60-18 c Tolerance of tk ía5 ía5 k Resproducibility of tk ía0.5 ía0.5 k Resistance r25 ín100 ín300 ª+ Resistance at a temperature of tk-5k ín550 ín1650 ª+ Resistance at a temperature of tk +5k í²1330 í²3990 ª+ Resistance at a temperature of tk +15k í²4 í²12 kª+ Thermal response time td ín5 ín5 s Insulation test voltage v ac2.5 ac2.5 kv Max.Operating temprature 200 200 c Max.Storage temperature 160 160 c Min.Srorage temperature -25 -25 c Weight 2 3.5 g