Product introduction Smartpad is 4 sides sealed absorbent mat with HDPE food grade and leach resistant perforated laminates on top and bottem, inner layer of which is impreganted with super water absorbent polymers and fluff. Features and benefits of smartpad: perforated PE film provides more rapid, all-around absorption; and is easily peeled from the product without tearing and sticking, even when frozen; only excessive fluids are absorbed from the bottem of the pad to maintain juicy look of the food; Virgin fibre used to allow maximum performance and safty; High quality SAP and cellulose absorbent material used to perform ultimate liquid absorption; Leach resistant to avoid food contact with fluid and SAP; Makes the food packaging containerscleaner and more appealing to consumers, Minimize contamination in consumers working area, Restrain bacterial growth, resulting in food safty and extention of trayed meat, seafood and poultry shelf life. Application: trayed meat, fish, poulty and fruit; bulk transportation of fish and foodstuffs with ice .other side