Alya intelligent remote control parking barrier is an intelligent product specialized for car parking, which can effectively prevent the personal parking space from being occupied by other vehicles and bring actual conveniences of personal car parking. Forget the annoyances of manual parking barrier and just enjoy the high quality life by high-tech control even without getting off your cars. Item Pl-02 Power voltageú¿vú¬ Dc 6v Static currentú¿maú¬ 3.5 Working currentú¿maú¬ 3.5 Working powerú¿batteryú¬ 6v 7ah Dimensionsú¿mmú¬ 460íß460íß75 Exter sizeú¿mmú¬ 505íß498íß145 The number of boxes 824/20í»1728/40í» Remote controlled distanceú¿mú¬ ín50 Environment temperature -25íµ~+55íµ Up or down timeú¿sú¬ 6 N.W.ú¿kgú¬ 10 G.W.ú¿kgú¬ 10.5 Work time/recharge 3months Descended heightú¿mmú¬ 420 Down heightú¿mmú¬ 75