MSL-3003B1-is a high-performance, designed specifically for the security metal detectors, this product can be used in airports, terminals and other search checks. Detection of parcels and letters in the metals and any hidden metal can be detected. Operation: MSL-3003B1 nine volt battery or rechargeable batteries, battery installed at the open the battery cover is fitted with battery attention to negative. Open the on / off switch button, the green light, the detector can now normal work. Detector can adjust the sensitivity and detection range until the red light and a continued sound alarm. Counterclockwise rotation until the red light sensitivity regulator eliminate detector alarm sound disappeared at the most appropriate sensitivity and detection range. Handheld detectors used in the detection of surface inspection at the top of 10-30 mm back and forth continuously scan the region. If so when the metal detector alarm will sound and a bright red light. When the metal detector kept at the top of the fixed objects at the detection signal will be automatically reduced, when used in the detector must be constantly scanning back and forth, and this is very important. Performance: The sensitivity of detectors were mainly from detecting objects the size, shape and composition decisions. Performance indicators: the largest object detection range of 1. Pin :10-30 mm, 2. Pistol-June 4: 120 mm, 3. daggers: 130 mm, 4. Diameter of 20 mm Ball: 90 mm (raised to the highest sensitivity up to 120 mm). Sound / vibration switch button: In the detector side of a sound / vibration conversion button, when in a noisy environment or do not want people to hear the voice of occasions, can switch to vibration. So when the metal detector to detect and alarm, vibration do not produce sound. Battery charger jack can use metal detectors on 9 V rechargeable batteries, rechargeable batteries fully charged need 4-6 hours, Battery charger jack in the side detectors. Note: Charging detectors to switch off switch headphone jack: Detector with a headphone jack, located in the detector side. In noisy work situation or avoid impact on the surrounding environment alarm sound when the use of headphones. Note: When the green light is not bright or completely unfamiliar with the issue of alarm sound, that probe has not reliable, then should be replaced or rechargeable batteries can be used after. If the detector does not use a period of time, the proposed removal because of the battery cell so as to avoid leakage caused damage detectors. Detectors do not have to be stored in dry warm environment. 9 V battery voltage or rechargeable batteries, power of 270 mW 22 kHz frequency Current work