1. The traditional demister mirror, the mirror defogger sticked at the backside of mirror, is sharing the switch with mirror front light. For most hotels, it is controlled by room card. If the guests come into the room and insert the room card, the mirror front light is lighting, the mirror defogger will be constant working. So it will waste a lot of electricity energy. For our recent demister mirror, we add a set of energy saving defogger system(it contains electromagnetic valve, solid state relay and transformer) based on traditional demister mirror. It is made up of electromagnetic valve, solid state relay and transformer. The electromagentic valve is installed on the hot water pipe. When we switch on the faucet of wash basin or bathtub to use hot water, the mirror defogger start working, or it will not work. So it can save 95% electrical power energy. 2. Advantages of this system: A, auto-control circuit mirror defogger switch is auto triggered on by the hot running water, and deactivated once the hot water switch is off. B, remarkable energy saving 95% energy is saved due to automatic control system, especially in hotels and resorts etc. C, easy installation, the water electromagnetic valve is with screw thread connection, easy to install. D, product is durable & reusable. Water switch is made of copper, which is durable, and can be re-used in the next innovation step to save building cost. A set of energy saving defogger system contains electromagnetic valve, solid state relay and transformer