Expolube ûinhibit A bacterial inhibitor for soluble cutting fluids ôsolubleö cutting oils used as coolant-lubricant in high speed metal cutting, grinding, rolling, etc., are vulnerable to æù after emulsification with water. Microbial activity causes the oil emulsion to become progressively unstable due to emulsifier breakdown, this finally leads to the separation of free oil droplets which coalesce to form ætramp oilÆ floating on the surface of the fluid in the coolant well. Concomitantly, the ph of the emulsion falls, introducing a corrosive propensity in addition to the loss of lubricity. The economic justification for control of microbial degradation of cutting fluids by the addition of biocides devolves from the extended useful life of the emulsion that results, fewer rejects than would otherwise eventuate, prevention of foul odours and thus maintenance of hygienic working conditions for personnel. 50 kg &220 kg