Molecular formula: C22H18O11 Molecular weight: 458.38 CAS No.: 989-51-5 Product Spec.: EGCG 90% Physiological Functions Modern research and scientific data demonstrates that the beneficial effects of green tea are largely due to its main catechin, Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG). EGCG makes up about 30%-50% of the total catechin content and has an antioxidant activity about 25-100 times more potent than Vitamin C and E. Recent research has also indicated that there may be positive effects of EGCG in the field of disease risk reduction regarding cancer and cardiovascular disease. Further research has revealed additional findings where green tea, green tea extract and its constituents can also contribute: Product characteristic *A very pure and refined off-white compound with strong healthy function, which can be added to a broad range of dietary supplements, food products and beverages without a major impact on their color and taste. * Much cheaper than other companies price with the same quality. Inner Packing ---- Pack in plastic & aluminum pouches of 10kg/pouch. Outer Packing ----Paper drums of 20kg/drum (2 pouches in a drum).