Available Color Temperatureú¦Each type can supply :3000Kíó4300Kíó6000Kíó8000Kíó10000Kíó12000K íó15000Kíó20000Kíó25000Kíó30000Ketc. The product has got the E-MARK approval and have one-year quality guarantee. Specification: Normal Input Voltage:12V Allowable Input Voltage7-18V Bulb Wattage: 35W Normal Input Current:3.3A Ignition Voltage:23KV Temperature Range: -40íµ~+105íµ Life Time: >2800 hours Order 0 í¬ 50 kits one time $41 Order 51í¬100 kits one time 4% off Order 101í¬200 kits one time 8% off Order 201í¬400 kits one time 12% off Order 401í¬1000 kits one time 16% off Order 1001--2000 kits one time 20% off Order >2001- one time 24% off