Between the banilejo, gota de oro, mimillo, or YamaguÃ?Â, the mango is one of the favorite fruits of the Dominican par excellence, as evidenced by the expected season of this crop that is already part of the Dominican identity and seeks to position itself in the foreign market. The flowers on the mango trees announce that the so-called mango season is just around the corner. Of course, some varieties already bear fruit, but what they have in common, regardless of whether they are green or ripe, is that this sweet fruit is enjoyed by young and old alike. Although, according to data, this is originally from South Asia and was later introduced to Africa and then to America in the sixteenth century, its flavor and aroma have made them a prized fruit in the countries of the Americas and the Caribbean, and the Dominican Republic, during the season, mangoes become part of the daily diet. Therefore its cultivation has increased, giving good results at the agro-industrial level.