What is a Decanter Centrifuge? Horizontal Bowl centrifuges are also known as decanter centrifuges, centrifugal decanters or simply decanter machines and are primarily used for separation of liquids from appreciable amounts of solids. Decanters can separate over 50% (v/v) solids from liquids on a continuous basis. Typical industrial decanter applications include Crude Oil Tank Bottoms; Waste Oil; Industrial Wastewater; Sludge Dewatering; Fish Meal; WVO/UVO De-Sludging; Paint Sludge; Rendering etc. etc. Application: Decanter centrifuge is widely used in industries as municipal and industrial waste water treatment, food processing, chemicals, etc. 1. Decanter centrifuge solid phase dehydration: dehydration effect for processing materials of solid particles. 2. Decanter centrifuge particle size classification: used in the removal of material of large diameter solid particles. 3. Decanter centrifuge liquid clarification: used for removing solid particles in the suspension liquid are clarified