SINOFLOC cationic flocculants are co-polymers of acrylamide with increasing proportions of cationic monomers. The cationic groups, which are thus introduced into the polymer, have positive charges in aqueous solution. Our cationic polyacrylamide powder is available in solid powder and emulsion forms. Products Feeding: The polyacrylamide is a synthetic cationic polymerization flocculants and polymer flocculant powder. It is mainly related to chain length and the charge of the dewatering performance of polyacrylamide excessive dosage. The positive charge on the ion polyacrylamide adsorption, due to electrostatic repulsion, it will reduce the sludge settling performance. Therefore, we should pay attention to investment in overtime to calculate in advance the proper dosage. The solutions of SINOFLOC cationic polyacrylamide for chemical applications must be prepared in suitable plants equipped with dry powders feeding and dispersion units and with continuous and moderate agitation. The dissolution water must have a temperature included between 10�°C and 40�°C; For a correct use of SINOFLOC polymer cationic polyacrylamide powder and in order to achieve the best possible results, it is necessary to allow a â??maturationâ?? time of 60 minutes for the coagulation of water. When treating turbid water, the flocculants solution must be added to the water in a point of average turbulence, in order to achieve a thorough and homogeneous mixing without impairing the flock formation. Recommend operating concentration is 3g/l, and the maximum operating concentration is 15g/l. For an optimum performance on specific polyacrylamide applications on cationic polymer, please consult with SINOFLOC team.