GAJJAR Equipments' batch plants develop the consistency that is crucial to mix quality whilst providing maximum flexibility in the mixing process. All plant processes and components are carefully developed to ensure that feeding, heating, drying, screening and mixing seamlessly blend together. The proven control system, which provides leading technology with a user-friendly interface, makes it easy to handle the complex interaction of each piece of development. Systems to introduce reclaimed Asphalt into the hot mix asphalt mix: With increased costs of energy and the reduced availability and cost associated with extracting and processing virgin materials, the addition of recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) into the hot asphalt mix is becoming an increasingly important factor in surfacing materials and considering by us for asphalt specifiers and producers alike. The advance technology of GAJJAR allow introduction of the pre-processed cold RAP (Reclaimed asphalt pavement) material directly into the asphalt plant pug-mill mixer up to 30%.