Ordinary hand tools, usually made of steel, can produce sparks if struck, scratched or dropped, which can be catastrophic. Explosive atmosphere. Tools used in hazardous materials incidents must be made of non-sparking, non-ferrous, non-magnetic, corrosion-resistant metals. Botou non-sparking, non-magnetic and corrosion resistant hand tools conform to international standards. In general, Non Sparking Wrench should be used in any environment where an ignition source is present. Applications include, but are not limited to: Maintenance and repair operations (MRO) Collection, Holding and Transfer (CHT) Hot work Working in confined spaces Transportation (airports, railroads, tankers, shipyards), chemical, petrochemical and natural gas operations Military City, state and federal government (utilities, waste management, HazMat, WMD) General dust environments (grain, mining, paper/pulp mills) Non-sparking safety tools are required and/or recommended by many federal agencies including: OSHA, Department of Energy (DOE), National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Supervisor of Shipbuilding and Maintenance (SUPSHIP), etc.