Chlorine Leak Absorption System Our range of products include Industrial Water Purifier Chlorine Leak Absorption System. Industrial Water Purifier Chlorine Leak Absorption System. Fluid Media -Chlorine Gas Material-FRP Automation Grade - Automatic Usage/Application - Industrial Warranty -1 Year Country of Origin - Made in India It is a very Comprehensive Safety System and should be necessarily provided where Chlorine Tonners are used RSVP CHLORO TECH has developed this package system to automatically control and absorb the heavy leaks from the chlorine Tonner based on the recommendations of Chlorine Institute Inc., U.S.A., Bureau of Indian Standards, National Safety Council., Alkali manufacturer's Association of India. Materials Description: The package system consists of 1. FRP Gas Hood [s] 2. Chlorine gas suction Blower [s] /Fan [s] 3. Absorption Tower 4. Absorption Tank 5. Absorption Circulation Pump [s] 6. Interconnection Pipes, Fittings, Instruments & Valves etc., 7. Chlorine Gas Leak Detector with Sensor [s] 8. Control Panel Proper care has been taken in selection of material of construction of equipment, so that they are totally corrosion resistant, reliable and Safe.