To all WORLDWIDE buyers interested in Arabica Gayo Green Beans with Specialty Grade from Indonesia. Do you need metric tons of arabica green beans coffee? We can deliver to you for your needs in June. Our inventory allows us to send you 5 metric tons for this month. We source our Malabar Wayang-Gayo arabica green beans from plants that are grown according to a compost-based growing method (N, P, K are obtained from the measured ambient biomass). We are able to do this because we live in a vegetable and tea producing area in Kertasari, Bandung Regency, West Java Province. Our average production of cherry beans can reach 400-500 tons per harvest season (May to October). The qualification of our green beans processing method is through the full-wash stage. We ferment our Cherry Coffee within 12 hours with a pick-up time of 10:00 AM-14:00 PM. Our processing is geared towards semi-modern drying using greenhouses and light firing, thus ensuring a fairly optimal drying action. The moisture content of our green beans ranged from 10.9%-11.1% of the total sample in our drying batch. We can guarantee that our coffee defects will not be found in samples per 300 grams of our products, will not have broken green beans, will not be infected with mycotoxin fungi, and will not be affected by excessive fermentation. We have been in the process of selecting Specialty Grade Green Beans for more than 4 years to bring our products to our domestic buyers in tonnage quantities. This is the reason why we can offer you our arabica gayo (Malabar-Wayang) green beans coffee that can be graded as Specialty Grade. We hope we can send you our arabica gayo green beans coffee products. Our minimum MOQ is 3 metric tons. We will ship via our port in Patimban Port, Subang Regency, West Java. We hope we can cooperate in further green beans supply transactions.