Black Forest Honey 8 oz glass bottle 250 grams 8 oz Glass bottle Black Forest Honey is not a blossom/flower or nectar honey but a HONEYDEW HONEY , naturally produced by Apis Dorsata Breviligula, a giant bee in Asia. They live in the forest free from any harmful chemicals PASSED the Lead analysis done in Intertek Laboratory PASSED Microbiological analysis done in Intertek Laboratory USFDA Nutritional Facts done in Intertek Laboratory *Why the color of your honey is black ? Our honey is not blossom or nectar honey based on the reducing sugar . Our Black Honey is from the phloem sap of plants contains very high concentrations of sugars, usually the disaccharide sucrose or oligosaccharides of the raffinose family. Phloem-feeding insects ingest very large amounts of sugars relative to other essential nutrients, and up to 90% of the ingested sugar may be egested and this sugar-rich material is honeydew.