What is ferrochrome? Ferrochromium is made using metallurgical grade chrome ore and can be divided into three categories, depending on the level of carbon in the alloy. The three types of ferrochrome alloys are: High-carbon (HC) ferrochrome (carbon content between 4% and 9%) Low- and medium-carbon (LC & MC) ferrochrome (carbon content less than 0.5% for LC and between 0.5% and 4% for MC) Ferrochrome-silico-chrome (FeSiCr) Ferrochrome applications: Production of steel, especially stainless steel with chromium content of 10 to 20%, is the largest consumer of high-carbon ferrochrome. Over 80% of the worldâ??s ferrochrome is used in the production of stainless steel. The vast majority of ferrochrome produced is� charge chrome, which has a lower chrome content ratio. Used most commonly in stainless steel. Low carbon� and� medium carbon� ferrochrome is used in the manufacture of special steels. Low carbon ferrochrome can be used to produce superalloys.