Milkotester presents the new ultrasonic milk fat testing machines Lactomat BiSonic developed specially for the Indian market. Device has unique non-electric cleaning system and is very comfortable to work in field conditions. The embedded balloon pum allows smooth operation of the system and quick cleaning after operation. Upgraded software and ultrasonic stirrer for removal of air from the milk sample. Precise analysis of the milk parameters can be done for 18/30/40 seconds. The device is equipped with waterproof keypad and stainless steel body. Protective electronics cover protects the system from operating problems in high humidity environments.Three calibration channels are available. Standard calibrations for milk analyzer Master Lite are for Cow milk, Sheep milk, UHT. The analyzer can be calibrated also for: Buffalo milk, Pasteurized milk, Goat milk, Mixed milk, Skimmed milk, Whey and other types of milk and milk derivatives.