Purpose: industrial production of steam Year of manufacture: 1988 Manufacturer company: Kotlostroene AD, Sofia Capacity: 6.5 tons of steam per hour Fuel: natural gas Nominal pressure: 10Bar The boiler is flame-tube, horizontal. It is equipped with the necessary instruments according to KIP and A, 2 safety balance valves DN65 OERTLI Induflame burner, model: D1B2-SM-352-U0 AR-N-VL 450, maximum power 5.9MW, gas pressure - 150mBar, maximum gas consumption - 587nm�³/h The boiler is operational. It is equipped with the necessary shut-off armature. The water supply is carried out by means of 2 pumps with a power of 7.5kW. The burner is supplied with air by a 18.5kW fan. The boiler is controlled by an electronic control panel with automative. Gauges of the boiler: length 5.75m (with the burner 6.65m), width 3m, height 3.1m. Weight about 15 tons.