Product Description DESCRIPTION Made of non-porous borosilicate glass which will not absorb odors or chemical residues. Chemex pour-over allows coffee to be covered and refrigerated for reheating without losing flavour. Classic Series coffeemakers include a polished wood collar with leather tie. The collar serves as an insulated handle around the middle of the coffeemaker. Simple, easy to use with timeless, elegant design. Includes Brewing 101 with Chemex instructions. Use Chemex Bonded Filters FP-1, FC-100, FS-100, FSU-100. CHEMEX Few products in this century can match the flawless blending of design and function of the Chemex. Its visual elegance has earned it a place in the permanent collection of New York's Corning Museum of Glass. The Chemex coffeemaker was also selected by the Illinois Institute of Technology as one of the 100 best designed products of modern times.