Overall solution for next episode of spinal surgery Optical measurement camera Tracking and navigating in sub-millimeter accuracy Overall tacking/processing unit Overall design of workstation and optical measurement camera helps to maximize space in the OR Self-adaptive calibration Perlove Medical is the first manufacturer in China that combines intraoperative 3D imaging C-arm and spine surgical navigation system. Equipped with the intraoperative 3 D imaging C arm system which independently developed and produced by Perlove, PL300B, which integrated with self-adaptive calibration technology, can realize image automatic registration, and automatically estab-lishes the association of three coordinate systems, the optical position gauge, the patient and the image. No manual intervention is required in registration process, and the accuracy is not affected by the image quality. It brings stron-ger system compatibility, more accurate coordination matching and more convenient calibration.Self navigation Surgical arm can be precisely sent to the right position through wellplanned trajectory, ensuring consistency between pre-op surgicalplan and intra-op surgical outcome. Real time motion tracking Real time motion tracking and position modifing, ensuring precise screw placement. High-precision robotic arm The smart navigation system and robotic arm deliver high degree ofaccuracy, effectively decreasing complication rate and revision rate. Positioning with accuracy Equipped with cutting-edge optical tracking sensor and robotic arm,PL300B utilize intraoperative 3D based imageto make pre-operative plan, allowing surgeon to performspinal MIS with submillimeter accurate navigation.Especially for high-risk and complex procedure, it hasobvious advantages and can effectively reduce surgicalrisk.