It is our primary goal that the products produced with the addition of Azim Un are unusual in terms of quality, taste and appearance and to satisfy the user. In order to fully reflect the effort given in the final product, our recommendation is that you experience Azim Katmerlik Flour. Azim Flour, which comes to your tables Decently considering the most up-to-date production methods and world standards in terms of hygiene, has taken its place among the most important flour brands that do product-oriented work in our country and globally. In this journey, which we have embarked on with the understanding of staying up-to-date and the experience of many years, the satisfaction of our users is our primary concern. The quality and availability of Azim Un are among our favorite products due to some of its features. It would be possible to sort them as follows; It provides easy opening, no tearing during construction and satisfies the user in terms of color and appearance in the final product.