Chum salmon fillet, portion, B/P block, scrapemeat block 13+, 11- Latin name: Oncorhynchus keta/gorbuscha Fillet Size: 400-800g, 800g+ Portion size: 80-100, 100-120, 120-140, 140-160f skin-on, or skinless, or defatted. Package: bulk, retail bag, IVP bag. Common Name:Chum Salmon Scientific Name:Oncorhynchus keta Market Name(s):Keta salmon, Dog salmon, Chub, Calico salmon Chum salmon: With a mild flavor and firm pink flesh, keta salmon are a great choice for grilling or roasting. Chum salmon can be the best value on the market when the skin is bright and the meat deep red, according to some buyers. Since most chum salmon spawns near river mouths, they have lower oil content than sockeye, Chinook, or coho. Chum salmon has a mild taste, is low in sodium, and is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, niacin, vitamin B12, and selenium. Chum is graded 2-4, 4-6, 6-9, and 9 up and is readily available fresh and frozen, both H&G and fillets, but may also be canned or smoked. Like other kinds of salmon, chum quality differs greatly depending on the run. Buyers recommend learning about specific runs and their characteristics in order to identify the best salmon. The eggs are sold as ikura in Japan, where they have a high value.