Geo-Proof Multi-Application Waterproofing Membrane is an innovative waterproofing membrane that is made up of thermally bonded three layers. The middle layer is composed of impervious flexible composite plastic polymer, while the top and bottom layers are constructed of specifically crafted fibrous non-woven fabric. This element makes it a unique multi-application waterproofing membrane. This membrane's unique feature is that it may be utilised for a variety of waterproofing applications in building construction, including foundations to overhead water tanks. It is a single product that can be used for practically all waterproofing applications. It is also very quick and simple to apply and is most cost effective waterproofing solution for all kinds of waterproofing that provides 100% waterproofing and great durability. Applying it only requires three easy steps: cleaning the surface, using a high-quality cement base adhesive, and placing the membrane on top of it while exerting roll pressure.