Elevation: 900-1100 m MSL Rainfall: 1000-2500 mm Main coffee types: Arabica, Robusta The total area under coffee: Arabica 31,700 ha, Robusta 9,400 ha Average production: Arabica 21,000 MT, Robusta 9,500 MT Main varieties: Arabica S.795, Sln.6, Sln.9, Cauvery Robusta S.274, CxR Main intercrops: Pepper, Cardamom, Orange, Arecanut, Banana Major wildlife presence: Jungle fowl Manjarabad is a relatively small geographical Coffee growing area between Chikmagalur and Coorg, with medium-elevation mountains and rainfall ranging from 1000-2500 mm. The region is characterized by gentle sloping terrains and small streams and is home to the jungle fowl. Although it is a small region, the mixed shade Arabicas produced here are among the best, and planters in the area are known for employing innovative technologies. Coffees from Manjarabad have a medium to full body, mild acidity, medium to intense aroma, and pleasant flavor