Bio Meridian Energy Massage is a massage process using Meridian Therapy device on the energy channels of the patient's body determined by experts. This process, also known as meridian therapy, has been practiced in Chinese Medicine for thousands of years with traditional methods. In the past, within the scope of Meridian Therapy, it was aimed to treat ailments by using acupuncture and acupressure methods on the energy channels of the human body. With the integration of today's technology into applications in the field of health, Meridian Therapy treatment is performed in the form of Bio Meridian Energy Massage with the help of a special device. By using this treatment method, patients' musculoskeletal problems, internal diseases and psychological disorders are improved. Many diseases experienced by people can be solved easily and painlessly by balancing the energy channels. Meridian Therapy is a massage applied for therapeutic purposes by using a special device in cases where the energy flow of the human body is blocked and the balance is lost. Almost all diseases can be basically treated by determining where and how the energy flow is blocked by experts, and by providing and balancing the flow again. Meridian Therapy, which is done with many different techniques, is to open the energy channels and ensure a healthy flow.