BLACK RICE/PURPLE RICE Purple rice is when black rice (otherwise known as prohibited rice) is cooked with white rice, which then brings about a purple variety generally and is consequently called purple rice by quite a few people. It is really not an immediate interpretation but rather something that has just gotten on with individuals. Black rice was so uncommon in old societies yet pursued its medical advantages that it was really called illegal rice since it was just accessible for the head to guarantee his wellbeing and life span and was prohibited for every other person. Purple rice is some of the time used to allude to black rice; however, generally, it explicitly alludes to white black rice. Purple rice is good for you and is absolutely better compared to simply having white rice. The black rice that you see might appear to be dark; however, as a matter of fact, it's an exceptionally most unfathomable purple. What's more, this purple variety comes from the exceptionally strong cancer prevention agent anthocyanin, which is similar to cell reinforcement answerable for the shade of blueberries, acai berries, eggplant, purple potatoes, harmony grapes, etc. Black or purple rice has a low GI (Glycemic Index) of 42.3, contains 3 fold the amount of fiber as white rice and is loaded with 8 fundamental nutrients and supplements like zinc and riboflavin. (Michelin guide). FYI, white rice has a GI of 73, and earthy-colored rice has 68