How Long Do Magic Erasers Last? If you have ever used a Mr. Topeco magic eraser to help you clean, you know how amazing the product is. It can be used to wipe the dirt, grime, and unwanted scratches and scuffs in the bathroom, kitchen, living room, and any other room (or surface) you have in your house. Scuff marks on the mudroom wall? Gone! Coffee-mug rings on the white kitchen table that you thought were there to stay? Clean! Magic Erasers can be, well, magic. So, how does a tiny white sponge that functions with a little bit of water added to it work so well? What's the magic that goes into a cleaning sponge? It comes down to one powerful ingredient. The main ingredient in the Magic Eraser is melamine foam, which is made of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen. This foam is an effective sponge-like material. The combination of hard and soft structures within the sponge is what makes the magic. Melamine foam is harder than what makes up most stains, but it's softer than most of the surfaces those stains are on. This allows the Magic Eraser to remove stains without scratching the surface underneath or around the stain. Let's See What Our Customers Say: Ann: they only last one use for me. I was cleaning a small bookshelf and I went through 2 of them. Mark: Depending on the mess 1 use to maybe 3 Marin: It depends on what you use it for but I've had the same one for a few months. If you use it to clean rough things it will wear down faster Stephan: I usually toss mine at the end of the month. Be careful on the surfaces you use it on. I used mine on a table and it left abrasions on the finish. Akim: How long the eraser lasts depends on what you use it for. I generally use one for good kitchen cleaning. If I use it for the bathroom. It gets thrown out right after I clean the toilet. Luis: Depends, I work in childcare and we usually go through two a month, just using it to get crayons/markers off tables where children go off the table. If you are using it around the house, especially in bathrooms or other especially germy areas, I would replace it more frequently. If any problems, please feel free to contact us. We will be so glad to serve you!