Why Should We Use pH PLUS instead of Soda Ash; - Water saving_ Thanks to the shortening of the time in all the processes it saves, there is no need for extra water used in normal soda ash processes, thus saving huge amounts water every year. - Price advantage_ Price advantage at high profit margins compared to Soda Ash price. Usage amount 1/8 amount of Soda Ash usage. - Shipping and stock_ Since 1/8 of Soda Ash is used and it is in tablet form and illiquid, it has cheap transportation and less storage space. - Ease of operation_ Ease of in-house transportation and shipment. - Resetting the risk of abrasion_ Due to the special buffer material, it contains, it prevents rapid pH increase and prevents the risk of abrasion and provides high colour persistence. - Bicarbonate buffering_ Thanks to the buffer material it contains, it prevents sudden PH changes by buffering bicarbonate. - The degree of washing and colour fastness_ It provides better fastness and washing advantage as it performs better and more comfortable dye extraction. - Washing bath advantages_ It provides higher colour fastness and washing advantage as there is less dye hydrolysis. - In dark colours, colour depth_ Thanks to the progressively rising high PH, Provides 10 - 30% depth in dark colours. - Dosage advantage in all dyeing_ 90% (progressive) dosage between 15-30 minutes at one time - High Ph level in viscose type fibres_ It provides high PH in fibre types that do not use caustic, where Soda Ash product is insufficient. - Advantage of alkali test_ Since the amount of use is low, no alkali remains on the fabric. - Brighter appearance_ Provides a shiny appearance on the fabric surface as there are no impurities from Soda Ash.