The principle of preservation by dehydration process is to remove the moisture content of a material to a level where micro-organism may not be able to grow and spoil it. We have excellent partners working on dehydrated garlic, onion, cabbage, carrot, okra,etc. We are continuously in search for new customers with a dynamic boundary and are also ready to customise based on their individual need. The fresh vegetables are washed thoroughly and prepared into suitable size. These prepared vegetable pieces are then blanched procedurally. In first stage, the moisture content is reduced upto 20+5% and in the second stage moisture content is reduced to 8+2% depending upon type of vegetables. The temperature of drier in first stage drying is normally kept at 60+5 degree C. and in second stage, the temperature is maintained at 40+5 degree C. The dehydrated vegetables are then cooled and packed i The product shall be prepared from wholesome vegetables free from any fungi, blight or discolouration. Only edible portion of the vegetable (for any variety) shall be used so as to maintain the right quality and also to get the right taste from boiling.