Hot-rolled steel channels This type of channel is produced according to GOST 535-88 with parallel flanges and sloping flanges: 10, 10P and etc. The slope of inner flanges must not exceed 10%. Assortment of the steel hot-rolled channel corresponds to GOST 8240-89. The number of the channel corresponds to its size (distance between the inner flanges) expressed in cm. For example: Channel #10 - distance between the inner flanges equals 10cm. All other parameters: flange width, wall thickness and etc. according to GOST. Channel that has letter A at the end of the number (14A) is a channel with sloping inner flanges, it means the flanges are wider and hence the weight of each meter is larger than ordinary channel. There are special types of hot-rolled channel: special channel for automotive industry - GOST 19425-74 (18S, 20S); special channel for wagon production - GOST 5267.1-90 (8W, 14W, 18W).