REFINED SUNFLOWER OIL SPECIFICATIONSREFINED SUNFLOWER OIL SPECIFICATIONSPHYSICAL PROPERTIES Appearance: No residue at 40 deg. C Cold test: Min.48 hours at 0 deg. C Colour: Max.1.2 red, lovibond tintometer 5/20 inch Refractive index: 1.465-1.475 at 40 deg. C Density: 0.91-0.92 g/cm3 at 20 deg. C Volatile matter: Max.0.07 % at 105 deg. C Taste: Excellent Odor: None - not sensed CHEMICAL SPECIFICATIONS %free fatty acids (ffa): Max 0.1 % ash (*): Max.0.05 Saponification value: 190.32 koh/g. Of oil Iodine value: 134.13 (wijs-hanus method) Peroxide: 0.2 meq/KG. Of oil % soap: 0.0005 % unsaponifiable matter: Max.0.12 Impurities: None % saturated fat(-ty acids): 8-12 % unsaturated fat(-ty acids): 87-91 Feeding energy: 900kcal Iron: < 0.02 mg/lt FATTY ACID COMPOSITION C14:0: 0.06 C16:0: 5.77 C18:0: 4.1 C18:1: 27.3 C18:2: 59.2 C20:0: 0.27 C18:3: 0.25 CRUDE SUNFLOWER OIL SPECIFICATIONS CRUDE SUNFLOWER OIL SPECIFICATIONS TYPICAL VALUES SPECIFIC GRAVITY ( AT 20 C�°), G/CM�³ 0,918 0,923 REFRACTIVE INDEX ( AT 40 C�°) 1,461 1,468 SMOKE POINT, C�° MIN�±10C�° FLASH POINT, C�° MIN�±10C�° COLOUR RED ( ON LOVIBOND CELL ) CONSISTENCY LIQUID VISCOUS +20C�° ODOUR, TASTE SPECIFIC FOR THIS PRODUCT QUALITY AND FOOD SAFETY PARAMETER MAX PEROKSIDE VALUE, MEQ.O2/KG 15 MOISTURE AND VOLATILE SUBSTANCES, % 0,2 ACID VALUE, MG KOH/G 4,0 JODINE VALUE, GJ2/100G 118 - 141 INSOLUBLE IMPURITIES, % 0,05 SOAP CONTENT, % 0,005 SOAPONIFICATION VALUE, MG KOH/KG 188 - 194 UNSOAPONIFICATION MATTERS, % < 15 TYPICAL FATTY ACID COMPOSOTION % C 14:0 < 0,2 C 16:0 5,0 7,6 C 18:0 2,7 6,5 C 18:1 14,0 39,4 C 18:2 48,3 74,0 C 18:3 < 0,3 C 20:0 0,1 0,5 C 20:1 < 0,3 C 22:0 0,3 1,5