This tricycle is great for beginner riders. It offers convenience, comfort, and fun! The quiet ride tires provide a smooth ride. This trike has a covered storage bin so kids can bring their favorite treasures along for every ride, or find new treasures on their adventure. High-back support, 2-point safety harness and foam surrounded guardrail prevent sliding out or overly leaning forward. Hollow wheels prevent clamped feet. Reflective stripe surround the canopy ensures you and your baby are visible at night. Parent push handle is removable and height adjustable, Change direction by push rod flexibly , The push rod is directly connected via a steering linkage with the baby trike handlebar, so that parents can push the trike smoothly. This baby trike is the best choice as an outdoor companion for children from 18 Months to 5 Years. PLUG & PLAY WHEELS : Good shock absorption, solid foam wheel, back wheel also 3 grade adjust height, can fit for all kinds of roads, relieving feeling from the ground, protect baby brain.Back wheel foot brake, make sure safety when pushing forwards. MORE COMFORTABLE : The removable features allow the tricycle to be used along with the child grows older and at various stages of their development. Compact fold to store or travel, be portable to put into the car boot when on-the-go traveling or camping, convenient and space-saving