Ducks lay more egg per bird per year than chicken. The size of the duck egg is larger than hen egg by about 15 to 20 gms. Ducks require lesser attention and thrive well in scavenging conditions. Ducks supplements their feed by foraging. They eat fallen grains in paddy fields, insects, snails, earthworms, small fishes and other aquatic materials. From commercial point of view, ducks have a longer profitable life. They lay well even in second year. Ducks do not require any elaborate houses like chicken Ducks are quite hardy, more easily brooded and more resistant to common avian diseases. 2 8. Marshy river side, wet land and barren moors upon which chicken or no other type of stock will flourish, are excellent quarters for duck farming. Ducks lay 95 98% of their eggs in the morning before 9.00 AM. Thus