Product Introduction JWJXC-H125/0.44 stepless enhanced contact slow release relay is an important component in interlocking equipment and the main equipment to ensure the safe operation of the system. The signal relay can control the switching, locking and unlocking of the turnout, and control the opening and Close and so on. Its reliability, availability, maintainability and the entire sauna line are the keys to the safety of railway transportation and operational services. The automatic control systems in various fields all use relays. Relays are widely used in railway signal technology, called signal relays, which are important components in railway signal technology. It plays an important role no matter as the core component of the relay signal system or as the interface component of the electronic or computer signal system. The reliability of the relay action directly affects the reliability and safety of the signal system. Product Usage JW.JXC-H125/0.44. The stepless strengthened contact slow release relay is used as a general relay in the signal circuit. Applicable environment a) Ambient temperature: -40~+60;