One teaspoon of brown sugar contains: -17 calories -Zero grams of fat, cholesterol, and protein -1 milligram of sodium - 5 grams of carbohydrates ï?¬� boost energy levels, prevent cold, treat uterine� infections, improve� digestion, reduce� flatulence, and aid in� weight loss ï?¬Help to Improve skin health by using brown sugar as a� skin� exfoliant -� helps in softening the skin and it also helps in removing the dirt and dead skin cells. ï?¬Provides Relief from Cold -Since long time brown sugar has been used as an effective remedy for treating cold ï?¬Minerals found in brown sugar are from the molasses added to the sugar, molasses is a good source of important minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium ï?¬One teaspoon of brown sugar with your tea everyday gives you 20% of your daily requirements of iron and Calcium, indeed molasses is actually used to prevent or treat anemia during pregnancy.