Grade One Persian Saffron (super negin) the best one in the world offering in best shape of packings ready for export .We can deliver this product to you with the best quality and the best price in the shortest possible time directly from turkey we have all labratuary results and all of the standards (�°SO9001:2000- ISO22000:2005 - HACCP - FDA - ISO9001:2015) Colouring power is the lead indicator as the other chemicals tend to occur in proportion to colour, and is measured on a scale as follows : Grade I : > 190 Our sourcing policy means you are guaranteed the highest quality saffron every time you buy from us, and we stand by our quality with our 100% satisfaction guarantee. we are packing our saffron related how buyers order from us in the 250 gr -500 gr - 1000gr or 5000gr packs