1.3 SEQUESTERING AGENTS WETASIN-FSN It is a low foaming, dispersing and sequestering agent; used in dyeing of cotton and its blends . It is a modified polyacrylate. WETASIN-1097 A dispersant and sequestering agent with high binding properties towards hardening and heavy metals WETASIN-HTS Sequestering agent having acidic pH, specially suitable for polyester dyeing with Disperse Dyes of high temperature and very good iron chelating power. 1.4 DEMINERALISING AGENTS WETASIN-2UDI Acid demineralisation, bleaching neutralising suitable for cotton, linen WETASIN-S Excellent chelating agent having neutral pH especially suitable for cotton dyeing with Reactive & Vat Dyes. 1.5 WETTING AGENTS CUM DETERGENTS WELSCOUR-LFD PASTE An excellent low foaming wetting and scouring agent WELSCOUR-LF LIQUID A versatile APEO free wetting and scouring agent for use in jet dyeing. WELSCOUR-XNI A versatile product for one bath scouring and bleaching of cotton woven and hosiery fabric, scouring and for wool speciality product for combined scouring and dyeing of polyester