Shot Peening : Steel shots are used in shot peening, which is used to make stronger and reduce stress in machinery like turbines, steel automobile crankshafts, springs, gears, torsion bars, shafts and connecting rods. Surface Preparation: Steel shots are used in support of coatings, such as powder coating, enameling, painting, metallization, rubber bonding and moreâ?¦ Sand Removal: Steel shots can be used in cleaning of castings. Scale Removal: Steel shots can also be used to clean ferrous or non-ferrous alloys or products (pipes, plates etc.) that are made from forging, die-forging, stamping, drawing and rolling or after heat treatment. Shot Blasting of Cast Steel: Steel shots can be used on the blasting of profile steel,shipboard,steel board and other steel material Roughening and de-burring: Steel shots are used in the aesthetic treatment of some material. It is also used to remove the burrs that might arise during injection moulding of metallic products.